Laurabolin Side-Effects
Laurabolin is without question one powerful anabolic steroid; however, for the healthy adult male it is also one of the most well-tolerated. This really shouldn’t come as a surprise; after all, Laurabolin is simply a Nandrolone compound, and for all intense purposes, it is identical to the more popular Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone-Decanoate). As you can see from the profile page, Laurabolin is simply a Nandrolone hormone connected to the Laurate ester, and there’s not a big difference between Laurate and Decanoate, and what can be said of the side-effects of Deca-Durabolin can be said of Laurabolin. Of course, while it may indeed carry a high rate of toleration, and we assure you it does, if you are going to garner success you need to understand what the side-effects are, and just as important, what you can do about them. You better believe it, if you are a healthy adult male you can supplement with Laurabolin absolutely problem free, but it will take educating yourself on the compound. Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule; there will always be those who simply do not respond well to the Nandrolone hormone despite doing everything right. This is not something unique to Laurabolin or even anabolic steroids, but something that holds true to many things in life. Most of us can take Aspirin, some of us can’t; most of us can eat peanuts or drink milk, but others get sick if they touch either one. Genetic predisposition plays a role, but when it comes to Laurabolin, for most healthy adult men the odds are strongly in their favor.
If it’s an anabolic androgenic steroid, in most all cases it will be suppressive to your natural testosterone production, and while suppression can vary from steroid to steroid, if it’s a Nandrolone compound suppression will be strong. In the case of Laurabolin, as will be with all Nandrolone compounds, your natural testosterone production will be completely suppressed throughout supplementation; this is guaranteed. It doesn’t matter how genetically blessed you are, and it doesn’t matter what some fringe lunatic said; you will experience total suppression. For this reason, your testicles are going to atrophy; after all, testosterone is manufactured in the testicles, and you’re no longer making it. Of course, if you allow such a condition things can get bad fast, and that is an understatement. First and foremost, a low testosterone condition is tremendously stressful to the body and beyond unhealthy; testosterone is one of the most important hormones you produce in the name of your body’s total and overall health and function. Further, if left suppressed, you will eventually begin to show low testosterone symptoms; they normally start with erectile dysfunction or a decreased libido, but can rapidly spread to your physique and mental function.

If it’s an anabolic androgenic steroid, in most all cases it will be suppressive to your natural testosterone production, and while suppression can vary from steroid to steroid, if it’s a Nandrolone compound suppression will be strong. In the case of Laurabolin, as will be with all Nandrolone compounds, your natural testosterone production will be completely suppressed throughout supplementation; this is guaranteed. It doesn’t matter how genetically blessed you are, and it doesn’t matter what some fringe lunatic said; you will experience total suppression. For this reason, your testicles are going to atrophy; after all, testosterone is manufactured in the testicles, and you’re no longer making it. Of course, if you allow such a condition things can get bad fast, and that is an understatement. First and foremost, a low testosterone condition is tremendously stressful to the body and beyond unhealthy; testosterone is one of the most important hormones you produce in the name of your body’s total and overall health and function. Further, if left suppressed, you will eventually begin to show low testosterone symptoms; they normally start with erectile dysfunction or a decreased libido, but can rapidly spread to your physique and mental function.
Possible & Avoidable:
There are four possible side-effects due to Laurabolin use, and all of them will be 100% avoidable in healthy adult men. The most concerning to your health will be high blood pressure and cholesterol, the slight aromatizing nature of this steroid can have an effect; however, both will largely be dose dependent, as well as dependent on your genetic response to Nandrolone, and genetic predispositions to such conditions. Of course, aromatase is going to be controlled through the use of an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) due to some other effects we’ll discuss shortly, and that can help, but there are two more far more important factors. First, keep your doses reasonable; if you supplement with high doses you’re probably going to run into trouble, and second, live a healthy lifestyle. If you live a healthy lifestyle, yet supplement with high doses, you’re still probably going to have a problem at some point, but if you supplement responsibly and live a lifestyle that promotes a healthy blood pressure and cholesterol you will in most all cases be fine. It must be noted; if you already suffer from high blood pressure or cholesterol, you should not supplement with Laurabolin or any anabolic androgenic steroid.
Then there are the big ones, and we call them the big ones because they are two that plague many men; gynecomastia and excess water retention. Gynecomastia, or male-breast enlargement is most commonly associated with high levels of aromatization, but it can also be caused by progesterone; especially in men who are sensitive to gynecomastia. As this steroid does not aromatize heavily, while it still does some and carries a progestin nature, this makes gynecomastia a true possibility for almost any man. For this reason, an AI is extremely important; Anastrozole (Arimidex) or Letrozole (Femara) will always be your best options, but Letrozole has been shown to have a stronger effect when progesterone is a factor; use an AI, and you won’t fall prey. As for water retention, the same AI will protect you as it will block the aromatizing factor that causes water retention, but that’s not all you need to know. When you overeat, this is the best way to hold water; especially carbohydrates, and when you’re supplementing with aromatizing steroids you become even more sensitive. For this reason, you must control your diet; it’s not uncommon for people to hold water and blame the steroid, but if you’re stuffing your face the problem isn’t the steroid; the problem is you. Control your diet, control your carbohydrate intake and use an AI, and worry about water retention no more.